Monday, October 18, 2010

"What Is It REDUX"

This is a week after my first critique, and even less time has passed between now and my personal response to my critique. Right now, I haven't accomplished anything else! I discovered some new direction and ideas, and I will be creating a strict schedule for myself very soon, but since the completion of my first part of my first project, I haven't done anything.
I plan on reevaluating my goal and the way in which I will create and present my work. I don't want to give too much away, because I would like to try out my freshly adopted artist attitude in secrecy first, just to make sure it will stick ;).
One thing I can say is that the character development and other less-important-tasks will be put on the back burner; stories and the practice of using my imagination is my priority! As is visually charting my thought process and progression. Next due date: November 9th.
Just today, I purchased the latest issue of my favorite magazine, Hi-Fructose. This is my fourth addition to my collection, and it is a magazine that highlights the artists of a 'new contemporary' and 'pop surrealism' genre. I like to to turn to these magazine when I'm feeling stumped and need a little inspiration to push me through a school project. I bought it for the purpose of giving my next painting assignment some direction, but I hope to find some use of it for this project, despite its distant (if any) connection to animation and stories.
Meanwhile, I have recently decided that October is my favorite month, other than March, which is my birth month. I love how its just getting cold, and you can break out the fall jacket, and the leaves start to fall, and the halloween is waiting at the end of the month, which means I can have my annual viewing of Hocus Pocus. I also LOVE being assaulted by pumpkin food and pumpkin flavored things everywhere! I intend to have a pumpkin crawl soon, in which my friends and I will troll the length of Main Street, sampling every pumpkin product being offered. I found this recipe on The Food Network website:

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